all postcodes in WV2 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV2 3AA 4 4 52.576832 -2.126789
WV2 3AD 6 0 52.575222 -2.127419
WV2 3AF 16 14 52.575124 -2.1264
WV2 3AG 58 0 52.574844 -2.127669
WV2 3AH 6 3 52.573225 -2.126344
WV2 3AJ 16 13 52.574116 -2.127962
WV2 3AN 1 1 52.57347 -2.126602
WV2 3AP 5 1 52.572908 -2.128099
WV2 3AQ 18 12 52.574276 -2.126598
WV2 3AS 7 2 52.572812 -2.12784
WV2 3AY 28 10 52.571377 -2.125106
WV2 3BH 27 1 52.575 -2.125308
WV2 3BD 31 1 52.574686 -2.124761
WV2 3BP 11 7 52.577831 -2.125803
WV2 3BT 7 5 52.576476 -2.123778
WV2 3BY 11 10 52.576596 -2.126103
WV2 3DE 27 0 52.573731 -2.126101
WV2 3DF 32 0 52.573912 -2.124892
WV2 3DG 15 4 52.573445 -2.12523
WV2 3DH 17 1 52.572788 -2.12573